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Information & Deadlines 

You are invited to submit abstracts for inclusion in the PENTAFRICA 2024 Congress. All abstract proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee.

Abstract Submission

  • Abstracts will only be accepted by online submission.
  • Submission of an abstract acknowledges your acceptance for the abstract to be published in the official PENTAfrica newsletter.
  • The presenting author of the abstract must be a registered participant.
  • Registration must be received by the Secretariat at least 2 months before the conference to ensure inclusion of the abstract in the meeting publications and in order to be scheduled for presentation.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • Abstracts must be received by the announced deadline. Abstracts received after the deadline may be considered at the discretion of the scientific committee.
  • The Scientific Committee will determine whether the abstract will be accepted as oral or poster presentation, with consideration given to the author’s preference.
  • The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission to the Secretariat.
  • Abstracts stating “data will be discussed in the presentation” will NOT be accepted.
  • Outcome of your submission will be communicated by email.


Abstract Preparation

The following information will be required for your submission, please list clearly in the subject of the email as below: 

  1. Presenting author’s contact details (full name and email address)
  2. Author and co-authors’ details (full name and email address)
  3. Affiliation details: department, institution or hospital, city, country
  4. Abstract title – limited to 20 words in UPPER CASE
  5. Abstract text – limited to 250 words
  6. Abstracts should clearly state: Objectives, Methods, Results & Conclusions
  7. Use only standard abbreviations. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full word appears the first time.
  8. Use generic names of drugs. Express numbers as numerals




Send abstract to the following email: with the subject ABSTRACT. 

Please do not cc all authors.

Abstract submission deadline is 30th September 2024.