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Who is PentAfrica

Ongoing concerns over lack of sufficient ENT surgeons in Africa and poor access to existing knowledge and skill of Paediatric Ear, Nose & Throat surgery from current global structures led to the establishment of Paediatric Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery in Africa or PENTAFRICA in 2017. 

Once a pipedream of Dr. Clemence Chidziva, Chief of the Division of Otolaryngology at the University of Zimbabwe; Dr. Peter J. Koltai, Professor of Otolaryngology, Stanford University School of Medicine; and Professor Christopher Prescott, retired Chief of Paediatric Otolaryngology at the University of Cape Town & Red Cross Children’s Hospital, PENTAFRICA has amassed global and loco-regional interest in what has now grown into a recognised paediatric ENT platform for Africans in Africa.

Since then the 1st PENTAFRICA Conference including with an airway workshop & symposium was held in May 2018, in Zimbabwe, and hosted by the Zimbabwean Society of Otolaryngologists (ZISOL).